These instance/server-level settings require OpenLink Virtuoso Open Source (VOS) 6.1.3 or later, or Virtuoso Commercial Edition 06.02.3129 or later. [more...]
or an origin, such as
. Scripts are authorized to retrieve a resource if that resource either uses the wildcard or lists the origin of the script. For this example, enter the following single URI:
For older versions of Virtuoso, any of the Web Application-level instructions below may be used. Any Virtuoso-based application can implement CORS checking through well-known HTTP functions http_request_header() and http_header(), for example:
<?vsp IF (http_request_header (lines, 'Origin', NULL) = '') { http_header ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin:\r\n'); } ELSE { RETURN; } -- Additional code here --- ?>
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